Kicking Shyster's Arses Is A Laudable Life's Work!

26 March 2011


YELP is a mightily biased website possessed of seriously screwed-up priorities and values as proved by this particular case-in-point(though numerous others exist):

So I post a perfectly reasonable and well-reasoned review of TEAM TUFUNGA TRAINING STUDIO AND GYM, 1601-B 63rd Street, Emeryville, CA 94608,, named after co-owner partner, Simi Tufunga, a contemporary, steroidal-looking bulk-builder(as opposed to all-natural, classic physique-style, proportioned and symmetrical body-builder), boasting gobs and gobs of excessive freaky, over-sized, mal-proportioned, bloated muscle tissue passing for a physique; which is what wins bulk-building competition trophies in that contemporary setting, so the guy deservedly rates respect for his numerous contest victories if nothing else--that being at the same time relevant but also rather beside the point.

Which is: you see, this guy's constantly surrounded by an assorted multitude of fawning and flattering sycophantic punk flunkys who happen to admire and appreciate that sort of thing, which is rightly their privilege and prerogative. Trouble is, these sycophantic punk flunkys neither recognize nor respect the perfect right of OTHERS to dislike or(God forbid!)even disdain that sort of thing. The gist of their warped and misguided thinking is: if you don't happen to fall all over yourself fawning upon this guy like some brown-nosing, ass-kissing sycophant-in-waiting then there's obviously something powerfully wrong with poor despicable you, and you're deserving of nothing but the most supreme contempt possible. It's an almost inexplicably bizarre phenomenon.

Likewise, you see, you're supposed to be deathly afraid to criticize or find the least fault with the guy for fear he'll menace and intimidate you with all that bloated, supposedly overbearing bulk!

Now the one and ONLY rational reason I felt personally qualified even to DARE comment, concerning the guy and what I earnestly believe to be ill-advised and mis-advised health-and-fitness practices on his part, was that for literally some YEARS I was distantly acquainted with the guy and personally observed him(and his various antics)at rather close proximity since we happened to belong--lo and behold!--to the very same YMCA gym, where he eventually even became employed. And over that time span I personally witnessed him perpetuate amongst gullible youngsters(agog at all that bulk)his multiple mal-practices, like lifting over-heavy weights beyond any conceivable capability with lame-ass, piss-poor form: resorting mostly to momentum to bang, bounce, jerk and swing weights all around the gym floor in splashy displays clearly meant more to impress himself upon others than improve anybody's health, fitness or weight-training capabilities.

What's all this got to do with the matter at hand? Stick with me, it's eminently relevant and here's why: reportedly the guy most recently and severely damaged his knee(s)playing rugby--just as I'd personally witnessed his damaging his knees in times past by attempting over-heavy leg-press machine weights way beyond his capability--demanding to date not one but two surgeries. It happens to be my educated expert opinion(being six-times certified in the fitness trade)that this pathetic condition of his knees derives in part from just being freakishly OVER-weight for his natural birth-given height and bone structure. So to repeat: I post at YELP this perfectly reasonable and well-reasoned commentary concerning this situation--which I challenge any OBJECTIVE third-party to find fault with as being unduly disparaging, degrading or demeaning in the SLIGHTEST!

Bearing all this in mind now read my remarkably mild and modest but outright CENSORED Yelp post:

"Nothing against the guy except his misguided, unthinking insistence on selling the supposed benefit of all that excessive body-bulk--whilst mocking "Old School" all-natural classic physique bodybuilders, who earned their trophies with sweat and hard work, not by ingesting growth hormones, steroids...or the latest fad in cheat-physique development: unhealthful "sport supplements." Who do they really think they're kidding except themselves?

Old-Schoolers whose common-sensical approach to health and fitness has been proven by greater longevity and youthful vitality far beyond what their supposedly superior contemporary counter-parts shall ever achieve--WITHOUT, it must be added, bad backs, bad hips--or bum KNEES.

Lumbering around on a walking frame as a direct result of excessive, DYS-functional body-bulk simply is no SENSIBLE testament to true health and fitness practices, no matter how you might try to soft-soap it! Forget the contest trophies, let's see how these contemporary bulk-builders fare past 50 and then get back to me with the TRUTH about their arthritic, incapacitated bones, joints and connective tissues!

Act now to turn the tide before it's too late! Take a practical tip from the greatest ever all-natural classic physique champion world-class bodybuilder whose perfection of proportionate form and symmetry is yet beyond any dispute, STEVE REEVES:

"Once a person EXCEEDS his IDEAL weight for his height, he becomes out of proportion and not only no longer possesses a 'classic' physique, but DOESN'T FUNCTION OPTIMALLY EITHER."--Steve Reeves

"Old School?" Perhaps. But never once in 74 years did he ever have to lumber around on a walking frame for support because of excessive body-bulk, which rendered his perfectly muscular physique not just grotesquely disproportionate to his natural height and bone structure, but terribly and tragically DYS-functional as well!

Perhaps now a valuable lesson will be learned and benefited by! One can only hope for the wisdom of common sense to finally prevail!"

Enter then one JOEL BRANDWEIN PHOTO(aka Joel Weiner-Whiner)of Albany, CA who sends me this obnoxious and vulgar message, which YELP condones and conveniently overlooks:

"You write a 'review' putting down the owner of Team Tufunga when he tore his knees apart in a rugby match? He was a professional rugby player in Australia. You're a out of shape moron . . . spare the world the pathetic photos of yourself in your profile and get a fucking life."

First off, I put down NOT the dude himself but rather his blatant MAL-practices. Nor did I do the first name-calling. But this retardate is incapable of making even that delicate distinction. All I know for sure is: he should once and for all "spare the world" his own RETARDATION.  Like it or not the fact remains: were the guy not dys-functional due to being so over-sized then he'd be less prone to ripping his knees apart playing rugby or any other sport--this commentary STANDS!  What then are you going to do about it?  Whine, curse and swear more?  Why not try a rational, reasoned argument the next time?  It could prove to be most refreshing and reinvigorating for you for a change!

And YELP in the end should sorely get BOTH its priorities and values STRAIGHT at last!

Had these sycophant punk flunkys just accepted some quite fair, just and CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM then they wouldn't justly MERIT such a report as this.  What they can't stand and  comprehend is that people in THIS country at least can hold and(God forbid!)even FREELY EXPRESS opinions contrary to theirs: and that not everybody else in the world has to think and act like retardates as THEY do!

My outstanding challenge to Joel Brand-Weiner-Whiner likewise remains as well: Should you EVER care to compare who's more "out of shape"...ANYTIME...


02 March 2011


This shyster establishment is neither "friendly" nor welcoming no matter how many contrived reviews its patronising sycophants post at YELP!
But its FALSE ADVERTISING SCAM deliberately misrepresents its "services," fails to disclose in advance full and complete terms for accepting its "Free 7-Day Pass" trial, and automatically treats potential clients as suspected cheats throughout one of the weirdest and most bizarre encounters ever experienced anyplace!
"Free 7-Day Pass, Experience the way a sport & fitness club feels" is this shyster establishment's con-jobbing come-on at its website.
Tuesday afternoon I go to the front desk, asking to speak to someone about signing up for their "7-Day Pass," and their punk flunky--whom I've never laid eyes on before in my life--looking at me inexplicably leery-eyed.
"Fill this out, take a seat over there," the punk flunky curtly directs me, handing me an information card, gesturing to some lounge chairs, "and someone will be with you shortly."
I sit down at a table, not taking kindly being issued smug commands by punk flunkys. 
No sooner did I get my name printed did this older, severe-looking biddy appear, hovering over me ominously; understandably she's the sole member of their so-called "management staff" to post no photograph of herself at their website.
"I'm Jeanne Spatola," she announces in the most pompous manner possible, "Sales and Marketing Director."
"Good afternoon," I say, introducing myself.
Their front desk punk flunky "thinks he's seen you before," she says with an automatically accusatory tone.
"I've never set foot inside this place before today," I say quite emphatically.
"I have to check it out," she counters gruffly.
"I've never set foot inside this place before today," I repeat, conspicuously perturbed.  "And this is a bad sign that my word's being doubted."
'It's not that," Ms Spatula soft-soaps, "I have other people to answer to."
She retreats to her office to "run" my name through their computers and--lo and behold!--she discovers my name and address in their database so clearly I must be trying to "cheat" them by trying to abuse their paltry "7-Day Pass" come-on.
"My name's in YOUR system?" I ask, aghast, with Ms Spatula madly bobbing her rather ugly head.
It readily dawns on me and I promptly demystify the rather insipid mystery by explaining to Ms Spatula the blandest facts: TWO YEARS PREVIOUS my WIFE visited their shyster establishment, scoping out the gym for me before we relocated, took their tour and filled out information cards for BOTH OF US since they were pressing her to join on some spouse-"special." She never worked out at the joint either.
NONE of that changed the most excruciatingly simple of FACTS: Up to this present Tuesday I had NEVER EVER BEFORE SET FOOT IN THE FRIGGIN' PLACE MUCH LESS WORKED OUT THERE ON ANY PASS PAST OR PRESENT!
That fact having finally sunk in to Ms Spatula's rather still ugly-rearing head I was presently turned over to an over-zealously, robotically smiling membership sales rep, Keegan, who was all aglow with giddy glee as he gave me the grand tour, falsely promising me that after I left he'd enter me "into the system," activate my "7-Day Pass" and all I'd need to do to enter the facility over the next week would be to show my "driver's license" ID.
Tuesday night(my first planned "pass" trip)I was unable to go so I emailed Keegan via their website "info" contact, notifying him.
Wednesday night I did indeed work out for a couple hours(between roughly 9-11pm), getting admitted without incident by a rather friendly if chubby front desk receptionist. Once more I emailed Keegan via their website "info" contact, complimenting my first impressions of the facility, but telling him that I'd get in touch at the first of the next month of March about whether I'd definitely decide to join--and not to bother calling me on Saturday(over the weekend)as he'd indicated he would in a previous voicemail message.
That was the first, only and last voicemail message I'd received from good 'ole smiley Keegan.
Thursday night I foot it to the shyster establishment in the friggin' RAIN to work out on what's supposed to be just the second day of my clearly precious "7-Day Pass."
At the reception desk I introduce myself and my intention, expecting no undue difficulty, when this uppity biddy smugly tells me, "You're not in my system and you HAVE to call JEANNE in MEMBERSHIP."
What for?  "I worked out here last night," I inform the biddy.
"I'm aware of that!" she snaps, contorting her face into increasing ugliness.  "But you're not in my system.  So UNLESS YOU WANT TO PAY $18...," her voice trails off, leaving the unspoken sentiment quite blatant: you can just get lost and stop making a nuisance of yourself, you're interrupting the crucial chit-chatting I was just doing with more important club members hanging out at the front desk.
This false advertising SCAM shall be REPORTED&EXPOSED!
"Find Your Reason," reads their latest scam come-on: yeah, find your reason to avoid this dump like the plague!